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The Ten Battle Commandments
Traditional recommendations for fighters
The script is holy! The scenario always has clearly defined steps that must be followed. Listen to your commanders and keep an eye on them. Show your ambitions only where the scenario permits. Commanders should be able to carry out the tasks assigned to the scenario, there is no worse commander than the one you do not even hear or know that there is or who it is. Always go for drills!
Protect the health of others and yours. Always remember that you have a weapon in your hand that can kill and maim, even when it is dull. And believe that fabric and light armor do not cover as much as plates, rings or leather, and that every shot is felt (at least after the battle). Instead, check with your comrade, under the pretext of arriving, to see if he is really hurt. Only play wild and brutal!
Try to avoid mowing under delicate places. Do not cut too much on your head, not at all on the exposed and forearms. Be careful where you cut. Do not harness yourself in an effort to hurt your own comrades behind you. Cutting someone from behind is dishonest, but in truth, count on it.
If you can avoid points, do not score! The exception may be points to reach a lying warrior (but there were injuries), such as a dagger, but do this with extreme caution. Don't hit through palisades and scenery! When stinging with a spear, sting at waist and hip level, not at face level!
Look where you step, there are many of your comrades on the ground. Coordinate with your commanders and comrades. If you turn against yourself in battle, do not be surprised that they will attack you. If you lie as a corpse yourself, try to protect your head and nestle so that you cover enough, often someone falls on you, and then frequent and fractures.
Play your role primarily to your satisfaction and audience. Don't fight on the battlefield, don't stand up, don't laugh like your bees have gone - this is a battle! Try to constantly move and do something. You have your role here, so stick to it. The worst sight for the viewer is the standing swordsmen who bothers the view. If there is something important in front of you that the viewer should see and you are standing in between, kneel down or step aside from the viewer's view. If you do not have an opponent, mainly do not look for it in the advice of comrades, then the viewer does not understand what is happening. You better rob the dead, help the wounded or play the wounded yourself, etc. It is a good practice to pull away their wounded and dead so they can fight again. With a decent hit, it is at least good to injure, but that doesn't mean you have to hit immediately after the first hit. But responding appropriately to the intervention should be the rule. Consider your costume, armor and weapons, are they contemporary and locally appropriate? Study the rigging details in detail. What is not particularly good is to appear in a part of a scenario or battle dated one hundred years elsewhere than the equipment you take to battle. The viewer often knows. It is true that, for example, during the Renaissance still used equipment from the Gothic times, many warriors dressed outdated armor, although they did not have enough money to procure new.
Rather, the problem is if you come to a scenario dated to a certain period with equipment of a more modern type. Healthy tolerance should be about 50-70 years max. The organizers can organize a preparatory chestnut, which decides on the timing suitability of equipment fighters, then do not look sour when you do not enter the battle or part of the scenario for similar reasons. You should prepare for each event separately and not rely on it to "soak".
The location and strength of the hit should not be such as to hurt the fighter or him it severely damaged the armor. So don't try to fight 100% or more. The optimum force placed in an attack is about 50-70%, especially with regard to safety, especially when you bend a successful strike into an empty unprotected spot. If you are attacking from behind, your opponent may not respond in time, and it looks rather embarrassing in the eyes of the viewer. Attacks from the back of the back of the neck are dangerous to the spine, and as the opponent does not expect the attack, various unwanted injuries can happen, such as fighting on the walls. If you want to "fool" then consider participating in the HMB tournament.
Always use armor and weapons that you can fully control. The excuse that it doesn't work in the plates is really just an excuse. If you can't handle it, try changing your armor or weapon, or equipment. Be especially careful that your gun does not have any pointed or particularly sharp part. If so, do not carry them into battle until you have some protection attached to the ends, see Eurocopies or blunt tips or blades.
Drinking alcohol before the battle is a risk with your own health and someone else's health, not to mention drugs. Alcohol does not make you a better swordsman and its effects multiply in the sun. In addition, drinking swordsmen do not look good on the audience. After the battle, celebrate the satiety, there is always enough time to drink, and the swordsman, overwhelmed by a huge Friday bout after the battle, is losing his glanc, tired, and often misses an amazing after-dinner evening program. The same goes for drinking the day before the battle. How do you successfully fight in battle when you're throwing up in a ditch in the morning? He is no worse fighter than drunk, as Attila Hun said.

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